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The Doctor’s Notepad

This Pneumonia is Made for Walking

I’m sure you have heard of “Walking Pneumonia” as we’ve have seen an uptick of this in the E.R. lately. In October, the CDC put out an alert about Walking Pneumonia. This alert emphasizes the importance of recognizing walking pnemonia.

Walking pneumonia is caused by the bacteria called mycoplasma pneumonia. This is also called “Atypical Pneumonia.” The reason why we refer to it as “Walking Pneumonia” is because often people with this ailment can stay out of bed and “walk around”, carrying on a mostly regular schedule, even with walking pnemonia.

The typical symptoms of Walking Pneumonia include a cough, fever, headache, and runny nose. The onset of symptoms could occur up to two weeks after you are exposed to the infection. We often see cases in 5 to 15-year olds and in the elderly.

The infection that causes Walking Pneumonia is spread through respiratory droplets, like those that come from coughs and sneezes. It is crucial to understand how easily walking pnemonia can spread to keep others safe.

Walking Pneumonia usually lasts about five days and normally does not cause severe illness, except in those individuals that are immuno-compromised or that have a history of respiratory issues like asthma or COPD. Walking Pneumonia is treated with an antibiotic and rest.

If you believe you have Walking Pneumonia, give us a call at 786-577-9302 and we can come to your house or office and give you an exam and prescribe medications, if needed. Don’t ignore potential symptoms of walking pnemonia.

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